Monday, October 25, 2010

36 week update

Miles and I went to the doctor today. It looks like I have not dilated anymore, but that I am thinning and softening. Doc says that things are progressing, and that she's convinced this baby will come before the mandatory c-section date (determined by gestational diabetes; Nov. 15th). I am currently contracting about every 10 minutes, and have been for a couple hours, but this will likely slow down again and start up again a few times throughout the night.

The big question now is, "When do I know to go to the hospital?". I'm going to trust my instincts, and hope that I'll "just know". Having not gone into labor with Miles, these contractions are all I know so far, but I know that things will take a turn (more painful, contractions getting relentlessly closer and closer) enough that I trust I'll be able to tell that "this is it" as opposed to what I've been experiencing.

I remember saying that I missed being able to experience contractions and labor during Miles' delivery (c-section because he was breech), so I'm actually enjoying this excitement quite a bit. At least now that we're 36 weeks...

Still taking it easy, since the more time for baby to cook the better. Just a lot less worry.

And yes, I did start packing a hospital bag:)

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