Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2 cm

Well it turns out that I'm 2 cm dilated. This is not a huge concern, but it shows that the contractions are actually doing something. The doctor suggested taking it even MORE easy, so my mom was able to come up yesterday and stayed today, so that I can pretty much just sit all day. I think it made a big difference, because I did not wake up with contractions or cramps at all last night, so doing nothing seems to have paid off:)

They still plan to take me off of the meds at 36 weeks, which will be this Sunday. Doc is convinced that this will lead to early labor because of the contractions AND the dilation combined...but...our friend who had almost the exact same situation was also taken off of meds at 36 weeks, while already dilated 2 cm, and still had the baby 10 days late!!! So, you never know.

We're also still tracking the size of the baby, since this is a concern with gestational diabetes. We will get another update on size with our next ultrasound the first week of November. Non-stress tests have been perfect lately, so the baby is not stressed:)

Thanks again for checking in and continuing prayers. Much love!

1 comment:

The Geurinks said...

Praying that all keeps going well for your little one (and you of course:D)! I definitely think that taking it easy helps! I started dilating with Gibson at 28 weeks and made it to 34.5 while on bedrest. Hope you can hang in there a little bit longer, but glad you've made it this far too! Enjoy the time relaxing before the baby does come:).
Meredith (Buursma) Geurink