Other common questions:
Am I still contracting? Yes. Quite a bit actually:) There are times that I cannot sleep through the contractions, but I'm not usually up for more than an hour. We'll see again on Monday if anything is continuing to progress.
Are we still planning on c-section? We've signed papers to officially "sign up" for trying a VBAC delivery pending two things: if Tuesday's ultrasound shows a reasonably sized baby, and if labor begins before Nov. 15. If we get to the 15th, we will have a c-section at 3:30pm.
How's Miles doing? A little better now that I can get around more again. He's still in a minor funk, but it's hard to interpret why. Can he sense something is going on? Is he too homebound lately? Is he getting his 2-year molars? Are we reading too much into it?:) Days are overall better, though, if he and I can get outside the house for a while.
Are you still trying to "lay low" so as to reduce the contractions? Now that we are at 37 weeks, I feel less need to do so. At one of our doc appts. this week, we were told that "the rules have changed" now that we've gotten this far. Up until now, their instructions were to monitor the timing and frequency of the contractions (more than 6 an hour? drink water, take bath, walk around, time again. take pill [or for the last week, call in] if I still have more than 6 the next hour). Although this led to an unscheduled doc appt. this week, we found that not a whole lot had changed (except the baby dropped a ton!). The new rule is that I don't have to clock the timing or frequency of the contractions, but only need to pay attention to the strength of the contractions. Our midwife stated that unless I have questions or concerns, there is no need to call in unless, "I can't carry a conversation or cook a meal or take a nap" during a contraction. (so I'm pretty much at the same place as any "normal pregnancy" right now) I'm glad to have these clear-cut instructions, and am relieved to no longer have to pay so much attention to the contractions. I've added many things back into my days, and actually left the house to be social this weekend! We had game night last night with the other Resident Directors at Calvin, this morning the women from our church CareGroup went out for breakfast, and tonight we went trick-or-treating around the Calvin Apartments with Miles dressed up as a scarecrow. I may have added too much at once (duh, Megan! ease back in...), as I currently have some pretty swollen ankles and a sore back, but it was SO NICE to feel some normalcy back in life again.
I'm still considered a "high risk" pregnancy, and still have to have non-stress-tests downtown twice a week, but won't have more than 4 of these left! The countdown is on!
Before I post a few pictures from tonight's adventures, I just want to sincerely reiterate how thankful Matt and I have been for all of the support, prayers, questions, and love that you have all surrounded us with. We are blessed by your community, and praise God for the gift.
Drum roll, please. Here are the cute pics: