Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy 2009

Wow, wanted to get a blog post in before January was all gone. A lot has happened since our last post and so here is a brief overview...

-We traveled to Detroit for New Years. We had a great time visiting with family, especially seeing Auntie Liz an Uncle Jay who are currently living in Mexico. It was great spending time with them, along with my parents and Laura. We had a great time.

-We had a few days back in GR before everything got started again. Megan is now back at school one day a week and I started grad school classes after taking a semester off. Also, interim is a very crazy time at work for me.

-Here at Calvin, the new field house opened up the first day of class. It is a beautiful facility, great new arena, and this fantastic climbing wall. I had an opportunity the next week to climb on this wall, and I really had a blast. I think I really could get into this hobby, though I also became very aware that I have very little...well... strength. It was exhausting.

-Also, winter is hitting us here in the heartland really good. Being the weather geek that I am, I know that we have already surpassed the yearly snow average. It also has been uncomfortably cold over the last few days, with lows as low as the single digits.

Here are some pictures, y'all.

This is a picture from our trip to Detroit, actually taken by Jay.
Let's go back in time for a second, to November, to Miles' baptism. Here are a few pictures taken by Laura...
Here is Miles rocking out an outfit from Aunt Allison...

Here is Miles' favorite thing to do...

... and his new favorite toy...

... and a few of our favorite pictures...

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