Well, it looks like we may have to change the name of the blog! Ramona Jean Cooke was born on Friday, November 12 at 12:43 PM. She was 8 lbs 5 oz and about 20 inches long. Megan, who was planning to have a C-section on Monday, woke up to labor on Friday morning (around 3 AM) and less than 10 hours later we had a new baby girl. Megan had a vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC), which is a little more complicated, but overall the whole labor process went very well.
Here are a few photos of little Ramona with her family!
Miles meets Ramona (or his personal nickname for her, Mona) for the first time. He's very interested in her eyes.
Welcome Ramona Jean! We knew you'd arrive in your own unique way, in the fullness of God's timing. May blessings abound to the Cooke family!
She's beautiful! Congratulations! :)
I am so glad things went well and she was able to be born without a c-section! What an answer to prayer little Ramona is. Please let me know if you guys need help with anything in the coming weeks.
Woo Hoo! Congratulations! Can't wait to hold and cuddle Ramona soon!
Woot. love my little baby niece.
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