Matt and I are very much enjoying Miles' current stage. All stages have their joys (and hardships), and we tend to say "this is the best stage" as each new stage arrives. But something is different right now...we can just tell that over all of the stages that our children go through, this one will be one of the top few.
Miles has quite a few words that he uses now. Some he uses only if we use them first, some he uses only if the object is right in front of him, and some depending on need. Here's a non-exhaustive list:
ball (baaah)
car (caaah)
light (dight)
milk (gilk)
book (gook)
all done (all dah)
hi (hhhhhi)
up (bup)
down (duh)
uh-oh (uh....(long pause)....oh)
tickle, tickle, tickle (tikuh, tikuh, tikuh, while moving fingers in the air. so cute!)
tweet-tweet (tee, tee, tee, tee, tee)
roof-roof (this has been his staple for a long time. now he bobs his head when he barks. ??)
cocoa (all dogs are called cocoa :))
banana (nah)
truck (tuck)
kick (kick-kick-kick)
And the best part is all of the words that he recognizes receptively. There are many things that we ask him to get/do, or we tell him what we're going to do (bath, na-night, go outside, play basketball, etc., etc.), and he understands. This is so fun. We love to tell him to go give something to Daddy/Mommy because he gets so excited and gives a hug along with his delivery.
Bath time is a riot now. He has figured out how to pour water over his head, and does this over and over, sometimes throwing the water over his shoulder and missing his body completely. He screams, laughs, and splashes every time because he's so excited.
He also loves to play "soccer" by walking with the ball in front of his feet, which inadvertently kicks the ball forward each time. He says, "kick-kick-kick-kick" the whole time.
Reading books is a lot of fun with him now, too, because he knows what's coming in a book. For example, there is a page in the book "Knuffle Bunny" where the baby cries, and right before we turn to that page, Miles starts crying. Or in a book where a bear goes, "Boom, boom, boom", Miles says, "bah, bah, bah" right before we turn to that page. He also has definite opinions about which books he would like to read. If he's bored with one, he closes it, pushes it away, and hands you another one. If it's a book he likes, he'll turn back to the front after we have read the whole thing. Multiple times. Over and over throughout the day, he'll go get a book, come to you holding the book up, and say "gook". Once you take it, he says "gup?" (to be up on your lap). He could easily sit on our lap and look at books for hours at a time.
Oh, for those of you who haven't seen him for a while, he's walking all over the place. Once he started there was no going back. One of his favorite games right now is putting the bottom of a piece of tupperware over his mouth and walking around talking loudly...we call this the tupperware monster. We run away and he chases us.
He's also been showing a bit of a naughty side. He was in nursery this past Wednesday while I was in our church Mom's group. They said that he was stealing everyone's toys and doing things he knew he wasn't supposed to while smiling at them. He also seems to have a little bit of a short fuse. If something doesn't go his way, he'll get really frustrated and throw it or just lay down on his back and whine. This is whether we're in the room with him or not. I think he's also getting his two year molars in because he keeps sticking things way back in his mouth, and drooling a TON.
We haven't taken him outside a ton this winter, because, let's face it, it takes forever to dress/undress the kid, and he doesn't even seem to enjoy it one lick. Once we find a good deal on some boots we'll try again.
At Miles' last doctor's appointment, he was in the 70th percentile for height, and the 20th for weight. He's thinning out and getting his daddy's build.
Well, that's it for now. I'm sure there's a ton more I could say, but I wanted to be sure to post something for all of Miles' fans out there (this one is especially dedicated to "Uncle" Chris, "Aunt" Emily, and Great-Grandpa Jack). Thanks to everyone for the love and care that you have for Miles, whether near or far.
Here are a few more pics: