So this is a picture of how our life has been for the past week: Miles not feeling well, and me feeling bad for him (but I do looooooove the cuddles and couch-naps). Miles came down with a fever while we were at our friends Colin and Sarah's house on Monday night. We left early, and good thing we did! His fever lasted a few days, and today he broke out in a minor rash... Doc says it's Roseola, a common illness with babies and young kids. Luckily the rash is not itchy or even irritating. He's still not himself, though. A little uncomfortable it seems, but still a little extra-cuddly.
It was hilarious to see him on Tylenol. About a 1/2 hour after taking it, his head would start to swirl and bob, and he acted a little drunk before finally falling asleep. So cute (once I was done being concerned)!
I'm glad for his sake and mine that we're on the tail end of this. I'm so ready to experience life outside of this apartment! My girlfriends and I are all going to get our hair cut/done tomorrow morning at the Aveda salon downtown (it's a beauty school, so it's nice and cheap to have students work on your hair...under the supervision of their directors of course:)). I think I'll go back to having bangs again...